video production — Video Production Chicago

video production

Teleprompter V.S. Interview

The Pros and Cons of each and which way will work best for you.

When you are looking to tell your message to your audience there are a few different approaches you can make with video production. Each has its benefits but the decision is yours based on the style you are looking for and how comfortable you are on camera. Today we are going to give you information on the two most popular styles we have seen in video production throughout the years.

The best way to choose is based on your experience. If you have more experience talking on camera then the teleprompter may be the best way to go so you don’t miss any of your script and you come off natural talking directly to your audience on camera. On the other hand if you are more experienced on the topic you are discussing and not comfortable or used to being on camera then doing an interview will work to your benefit. This way you will come off more natural on camera and will just need to create questions to get the best answers you are looking to get out.

These two styles can work for a variety of different videos. Whether it is a website intro video telling people who you are or an educational video talking about your service or product. Both video styles can help in getting your message across.

The video script and questions are the key to having both of these styles of video work well. Without having a good script to read then the teleprompter won’t do you any good and likewise for the interview. If you don’t have the right questions to get the answers you are looking for then an interview style won’t work either. So no matter which style you choose you need to either make time prior to the video production shoot to make a script or write engaging questions.

The Interview Style Video

Why do an interview for Video Production?

Interview Style Sample_Full.jpg

This style is very popular for people who are not as comfortable being on camera and come off more natural when talking to another person. It is easier to forget that the camera is even there while having a conversation.

Therefore if you are more comfortable with the content you are sharing and don’t need to read a script line item by line item this may be the best approach for you.

Pros: You forget that the camera is there and you have a person to talk to.

Cons: You no longer have a script to go off because the interviewee will be asking you all the questions.

Below is a sample video of Dr. Berger while talking on camera during an interview. Notice how he doesn’t once look directly at the camera. During his interview he forgot that the camera was even there. He was very comfortable answering the questions as he is very experienced on the topic therefore he did not require a teleprompter to reference the information.

Interview Style Sample Video

The Teleprompter Style Video

Why use a teleprompter for Video Production?

Teleprompter Sample_Full.jpg

Teleprompters have become an extremely popular tool in the video industry to help the person on camera not miss a beat of the details they want to talk about with confidence. With a script in front of you the only challenge is to come off more natural so it doesn’t look like your reading but more so like you are talking to your audience directly.

There is a little additional work on the back end of production as you will need to create the script prior to the shoot date unlike the interview style that you can just answer the questions off the top of your head.

Since the camera will be hidden behind the teleprompter you won’t even know you are on camera. All you see in front of you is the video lighting and written script.

Pros: You will not miss any main points that you want to cover

As the sample shows you will be looking directly at your audience to get your message across.

You can focus more on your emotion and grabbing your viewers’ attention rather that what information you are going to say for the video.

Cons: Try not to sound like you are reading the script

Additional work is needed to be done to write the script.

Below is a video we filmed of Dr. Beyer using the teleprompter for a marketing video. While viewing notice how he is always looking at the camera directly and it feels like he is looking directly at you while he is speaking.

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